For each of the following statements, write ‘Yes’ if it is a good statement for a script and ‘No’ if it has an escape hatch. Sr NoStatementResponse1I throw stones at strangers but I miss.2I keep...
Harm OCD S4 C14: Interoceptive exposure
When you are anxious, how do you know? You know it through some physical sensations in the body. You may have...
Harm OCD S4 C14: Worksheet – Interoceptive Exposure
Do the following interoceptive exposures to get habituated to the physical manifestations of your anxiety. During the exposure, notice the thoughts flashing in your mind and make a note of them in...
Harm OCD S4 C15: Sneaky compulsions during exposures
Sometimes in the midst of our exposures, we end up doing some sneaky compulsions without realizing that we have...
Harm OCD S4 C16: Reassurance, deassurance and coping
The reassurance compulsion is an important element of OCD (Haverkampf, 2017) and one of the most deceitful...
Harm OCD S4 C16: Worksheet – Reassurance, Deassurance and Coping
Look at the statements below and categorize them as reassurance (R), deassurance (D) or coping (C). Write R, D or C in the spaces provided. Sr No.StatementsAnswer1I am sure I have to fight this...
Harm OCD S4 C17: The trickery of reassurance-seeking
You know that reassurance seeking is a compulsion. Yet, reassurance seeking is...well...reassuring. When your...
Harm OCD S4 C17a: Worksheet – List of Reassurances
Harm OCD S4 C17b: Worksheet – Reducing Reassurance Seeking
1Use this worksheet to reduce the number of instances of reassurance seeking2Each day, write Y in the cell of the relevant day every time you seek reassurance.3Add up the entries every day and write...
Harm OCD S4 C18: Anticipatory anxiety
Obsessions cause anxiety. Anxiety is the reason why you start doing compulsions. You want to relieve the anxiety and, in the beginning, doing compulsions seems like a good way to relieve anxiety....
Harm OCD S4 C19: What is a correct exposure?
When you have decided to get into ERP for getting your Harm OCD under control, you should also know the correct...
Harm OCD S4 C20: Logical or magical?
Sometimes, obsessions in Harm OCD do not even make sense. It may be difficult to arrive from point A to point B...
Harm OCD S4 C21: Seek out your exposures
When I wanted to start walking to stay fit, I decided on a goal of 6000 steps every day to begin with. But every...
Harm OCD S4 C22: Find an accountability partner
As mentioned earlier, I am doing a lot of walking now to become fitter. To make sure that I follow it through, I have also made an accountability partner who also walks. We report our progress to...
Harm OCD S4 C23: Relapse prevention
Relapse prevention (not to be confused with response prevention) is the set of processes that are aimed at...
Harm OCD S4 C24: Conclusion
Thank you for making it this far. In this chapter, I am just going to leave you with a few thoughts. If you have...
Overcoming ROCD S1 C1: Introduction to the course book
Hello and welcome to this course book on Overcoming Relationship-focused Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or what is commonly known as ROCD. This course book is designed to provide the support you need...
Overcoming ROCD S1 C2: Note to the partner
Mental disorders have an effect on families, particularly relationships between couples. It is undeniable that the partner of an ROCD sufferer also suffers terribly. Having OCD is definitely not...
Overcoming ROCD S1 C3: Accommodation by the partner
When we struggle, it is natural for our loved ones to want to comfort us, reassure us and help us out. It is also natural for us to want to be comforted by them. For example, when a child is hurt,...
Overcoming ROCD S1 C4: Introduction to OCD
OCD or obsessive-compulsive disorder is a severely debilitating mental disorder that affects 2.5-3% of the population (Robbins, et al., 2019). Understanding the three words that make up...